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This is one of my article that was featured on Orange FM Akure Ondo
State on Bunmi Afuye's Porgram, it's now constant every Tuesday if you
reside in Ondo State or environment.

The social media world is huge, very huge. The statistics could make
one's head spin. I believe you are on one social media platform or the
other and I am sure you are having a swell time. Everyone on the
social media has a story to tell about his or her experiences. I have
a collection of my own awesome experiences on the social media. What
is the volume of your experience?

To so many people social media platform is a place to express their
emotional burden, easy up tension around them and as well get engage
when boredom comes knocking their door. But to me is a different
opinion entirely.

Wait a second. We should actually get to know what social media
platform means. Social Media Platform includes social network, social
media and social Capital.

Social Network is a structure made of nodes (which are generally
individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific
types of interdependency, such as beliefs, values, visions, ideas,
financial exchange, friendship exchange, friendship, dislike or

The platform via which a social media are as at today: Twitter,
Facebook (Profile, Page and Group), Pinterest, Blogs, Instagram,
Google+,,YouTube and Blackberry Messenger (BBM).
The number of people that you have direct relationship and access with
via any of the social media platforms including your e-mail and mobile
phone contacts, makes up what is called Social Capital.

I know someone out there is wondering what it takes to get access to
this entire platforms, don't get it twisted. It's simple to get an
account, just get to their website and register.In my own case, my
initial reaction was a feverish burst of laughter which was quickly
followed by a deep reflection on the assumed value that social media
platform can offer.

In a spate of seconds, I realized that there was a need to write a
piece that can attempt to explain why we need social media platforms.

To this end for effective use of the platforms there are some rules
which are applicable in making it simple, we will focus on one rule at
a time and draw the similarities. Hopefully the simplicity and common
sense inherent in the rule will be utilized in the quest for efficient
and innovative social media usage.

Vary your pattern and stay within your cover
You want people to know you and your product(s). You want to have a
personal brand. The truth is that it is easier to dwell within your
comfort zone when it comes to branding. The reality is that you could
become boring and unaware of changes in Technology etc.

Assume Nothing
In using social media, do not assume that people will naturally wish
to connect, identify or associate with you or your idea. You have the
responsibility to continuously guide them to becoming acquainted with
you and enrolled with your idea.

Never go against your gut.
Gut is one's intuition and humor which as a huge role to play in
decision-making. Many a times, if you do not feel right about
something, then it is just because it is not right. In pushing your
idea to the consciousness of your prospects and followers, your
intuition have a huge role to play on what you should put out there
and what you should not.

Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
In using social media, your mission is to brand yourself positively.
Often this could be tricky as you may encounter criticism of some
sort. Majority of this criticism may just be malicious. The good thing
about it is when handled adequately you may find out that the
challenges could be a spring board to new solutions.

Don't look back; you are never completely alone.
Looking forward is the exact opposite of looking back. In your social
media quest, always be forward oriented. Ensure to be up to date with
newer and better technology that is constantly evolving. You are never
completely alone in this. Be ready to work with people already
established in the use of social media where you can learn and unlearn
when necessary. There is also abounding of online resources that you
may just embrace and adapt to your current reality.

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