Adamu Kabir Matazu popularly and politically known as (Karoll de
General) a student of Mass Communication of the prestigious Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria and Comrade Adamu Kabir Matazu, Vice President
External Affairs of the National Association of Nigerian Students
(NANS) spoke with Faith Olaniran on the on going strike action by ASUU
Q: What is your journey into campus politics like over the years?
A: The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) is undoubtedly
one of Nigerian most formidable union that continue to serve as an
active resistance groupto the oppression and maltreatment of Students
academic rights with the primarymandate of ensuring that the welfare
and interest of Nigerian Students are met at alltimes via
collaboration cum cooperation with relevant authorities.
We are involved in the long time struggles to re-invent and revive the
dire political and socio-economic conditions of students in the
campuses through consistent advocacy for rapid infrastructural
development, proper funding and above all democratization ofthe
educational sector.
Q: What is your motivation or drive?
A: The consistent decay of structures, facilities and teaching/learning
culture in theNigerian tertiary institutions has been a source of
depression and simultaneously a source of inspiration to lead a
revolutionary leadership that will reclaim the lostglory of the
educational system in the country. This unfortunate event has been a
source of motivation to rise and challenge the unfair status quo
towards education in Nigeria.
Q: What are your challenges?
A: We have been facing a lot of challenges ranging from the tyrannical
nature of someVice-chancellors and management of institutions who at
will proscribed StudentsUnion and illegally victimized Students
This onslaught has succeeded in killing the spirit of the local
Students Union Government (SUG) to champion a genuine cause for the
advancement of the welfare and interest of the Students.Also the
national economic crises have undermine the ability of students to
properlypay the annual capitation fee which is used in running of the
day to day activities ofthe National Student Body (NANS).
This has led to the steady decline and collapseof the internally
generated revenue of the association.
Q: What is your view on the on-going ASUU Strike?
A: The inaction of the Federal Government which compel the Academic Staff
Unionof Universities (ASUU) to embark on industrial action is an
attempt by the rulingelite to highjack and subjugate the future of the
Nigeria Youth as it is visibly clear,that the future of Nigerian Youth
and Students today is not sound and assured.
The truth of the matter is that all ASUU demands towards the Federal
Governmentare affordable, but this administration is insensitive in
addressing these issues.No right thinking administration will relent
on investing in the education of itsyouth, because education is the
greatest investment of every nation which seeks tobe relevant in the
Global sphere. In developed societies education is viewed as amajor
catalyst for growth and yardstick through which a nation's economic
and human capital development index is measured and analyzed.
While some AfricanCountries with smaller GDP invested more on
Education to support learning andteaching, Nigerian leaders have not
been able to give the Educational Sector thepriority attention it
truly deserved and the percentage of budgetary allocation to education
is the worst in the whole of African Continent.ASUU on their part
should be more pragmatic and progressive in the process of negotiation
because we the students are at the receiving ends of this
industrialaction and it is an obvious fact that most students in the
Nigerian Universities are from Low income family and the working class
as rich politicians do not even enroll their children in the Nigerian
Universities. This is the reason the leadership ofthe country continue
to pay lip service to the educational sector, while exposingtheir
children to the highest standard of Education abroad in Europe,
America and Middle East.
Q: What is the position of NANS on the strike action?
A: The entire Executive, Senate and Zonal structures of NANS are united
on this andhave issued a unified press statement on this matter.The
industrial action by ASUU is a child of necessity and we condemned
theFederal Government in strongest terms for making the Academic
environmentunhealthy for strike to strive and we call on the Federal
Government to as a matterof urgency explore the path of honesty and
act with wisdom to honour ASUU-FG2009 agreement and resolve all
outstanding Academic issues ranging from ASUU to ASUP and with
immediate effect desist from paying lip service to the Educational
Sector and also increase funding to meet the UNESCO minimum
requirement of 26% annual budgetary allocation.
NANS as a body of all Nigerian Students passed a vote of no confidence
on the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan as far as
education andcorruption is concerned. It is our fervent belief that
the tenancy of thisadministration is fast expiring as we approach 2015
and we students have resolvedto use our numerical strength to vote out
President Goodluck Jonathan for failing todeliver on his campaign
promises as it relate to transforming the Educationalsystem and
stemming corruption in the country
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