7 Signs you are ready to pursue a Masters Degree

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Studying for your Masters degree could be the best decision for you or a total waste of time.

Here are 7 signs, according to Postgrad.com that tells you if pursuing a postgraduate degree is the sensible next step for you.

1. You Miss Studying

When doing your undergraduates degree, you would have never even dreamed of missing all the readings, papers, lectures and exams. But recently you've been experiencing the pang of separation, and keep having the recurring thought 'I miss uni.'

No matter how hard university was the first time around, your brain craves the stimulation that came with it. Now that the most intellectual activity your brain engages with is attempting to send tweets under 140 characters, it is crying out for a feast of education and knowledge. Don't let it go hungry!

2. You Know Exactly What You Want to Study

There is no use in thinking a return to school is the answer to all your problems, when you don't even know what you want to study. Embarking on a master's degree is serious stuff, and before you start reaching for the admission forms, you need to know exactly what you want to study and why.

If you have a compulsion and passion to study further in your chosen field, because quite frankly you're fascinated by it and subsequently want to contribute to ongoing research in that area – you're on the right track!

3. You Know Exactly Where You Want To Go With It

Knowing exactly what you want to study is great, but do you know where you want to go with it in the long term? Wanting to study is not enough, you need to have a specific plan as to why you want it otherwise it may be best giving the whole idea an objective rethink.

If you're feeling unsure dig a bit deeper into your chosen field and contact professors or other knowledgeable advisers that can help you to figure out what you'll actually be able to do with your master's after graduation.

4. You've Done Your Homework and Are Well Prepared 

Being prepared for the nature of postgraduate study is essential. Understanding the kind of work you will be required to produce, along with the amount of time that you need to invest will assist you in the preparation process.

Studying for a master's degree is a huge leap from undergraduate studies, so you need to be sure that you are ready for the challenge. If you have done your homework and are well aware of what postgraduate study entails (and you're not phased in the slightest), you're as ready as you'll ever be so what are you waiting for?!

5. The Thought of More Debt Doesn't Scare You

Choosing to burn a deep hole in your pocket is not a decision you should undertake lightly. Consider the challenges of scraping together the pennies for a tin of tomatoes whilst your friends are talking pay cheques and promotions. Are you really ready to go through all that again? If you're not experiencing real fear right now, you're on to a winner.

6. Academic Research Excites You

For some people the mere thought of academic research sends shivers down their spine. If you're on the other end of the spectrum and are desperate to acquire the mother lode of knowledge that awaits you, then a master's could be just the thing.

If you have the desire to become an expert in your chosen field, then honestly a BA won't cut it. It's not just about titles – it's about depth and scope of learning. Postgraduate study requires you to dig deep, and by the time you've completed your thesis, you'll be a true master.

7. You Miss Talking to Really Smart People

If you're a budding intellectual you're sure to miss the hub of knowledge that is university. When doing your undergraduate degree you got the chance to engage in deep conversations with highly intelligent people. Now you're back to the normal population, talking to 'normal' people, you feel this sort of empty void.

The remedy? Postgraduate study! When studying for a master's you'll be surrounded by the cream of the crop, and they'll be plenty of refreshing, smart conversations taking place just waiting for you to join in.

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