6 ways to impress your lecturers

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A lot of perks come with being the kind of student that lecturers are impressed with. Not only do they feel the need to go the extra mile to help you educationally, they are also always willing to offer advice and tutorial whenever you request.

Some lecturers are even in a position to connect you to people that can offer you a job after graduation. So it is certainly important for all-round success if you are able to impress most, if not all of your lecturers. Here are 6 ways to do this.

1. Attend lectures early: It is not just about being punctual in the university, it is also important to come on time. This gives you a change to sit at the right spot (usually in front of the class) to be noticeable by teachers, which is the first step to making an impression on them.

2. Ask questions: Of course, you should make sure they are smart questions. Lecturers like to feel like they have made an impression on their students, this is why they are always willing to answer questions. Asking intelligent questions relating to what has just been taught will draw the lecturers attention to you.

3. Outside class contact: If, for example, you have to miss a class, be sure to see the lecturer when you can, to explain your reasons for this. This will give you a chance to talk to them personally, while also showing the teacher you are serious about your attendance.

4. Thank your lecturers: Try not to do this too often as you can come across as a brown-noser. But when you have had a particularly interesting class, endeavour to show your gratitude to your teacher. This does not necessary mean you should bawl praises at him. Simply saying 'Thank you, your lecture today made an impact on me,' should suffice. We all like to feel appreciated, even teachers. So make them feel good about their effort when you can.

5. Smile and greet outside class: Whenever you come in contact with your lecturer outside the class, offer a smile when you greet them. If it is a big class, you can just give a little introduction. Your conversation can go, "Hi, Dr. Smith. I'm John in your physics class."

6. Offer a helping hand: If, for instance, your teacher needs to move a desk or make some arrangement in class, jump to his/her help. Always being willing to offer assistance will cause the teacher single you out and appreciate your enthusiasm.

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