Angry sex workers lynch client

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It was a show of shame on Wednesday, as some angry sex workers at Oja-Oba area of Akure metropolis threw caution into the wind and beat up a client who refused to pay for service rendered.
The Hope Metro gathered that the hookers descended on the man, identified as Niyi, after they have been scammed by his two friends at a motel in Akure.
It was learnt that the man alongside his two other friends had ordered for sex romp in an all night session.
The two other boys were said to have reportedly taken to their heels before the girls woke up, but luck, however ran out on Niyi, who was deep asleep.
The Hope Metro learnt that a shop owner close to the place, who tried to calm the situation, was attacked, as one of the ladies used broken bottles to cut his head.
Our correspondent gathered that it took the intervention of policemen from 'B' Division Area Command, who took the man away to safety, while the ladies were arrested and whisked to the command's office.

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