Ondo 2016: Intrigues in the Sunshine State

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THREE months to the primaries  to pick the governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC and seven months to the  proper election, the party is enmeshed in fresh crisis over three burning issues that may spell doom for the party if it's not resolved in a jiffy.

The three contentious issues are the call for zoning to a particular zone, the need for fresh congresses to accommodate new defectors before the primaries and plans by some elders in some areas to pick a consensus candidate against the wishes of the avalanche of aspirants who are presently about 52.

Vanguard gathered that these burning issues which have been agitating the minds of leaders and members of the party but have been kept under their wraps are beginning to surface as the primaries and the governorship elections approach.

Combatants in the battle include many of the 52 aspirants jostling for the coveted seat, the executive members and some elders of the party in the state.

Findings by Vanguard showed that majority of the aspirants interested in becoming the next governor next February are from the northern senatorial district who were spurred into the contest on the assumption that the governorship position  had been zoned there. The party's denial of zoning has understandably discomfited these aspirants and sent relief to aspirants from the South and Central Senatorial Districts.

Governorship aspirants

Oke: PDP flagbearer

The aspirants from the Central and Southern Senatorial Districts had been warning that they should not be shut out and that they could pay back in the general election.

Some governorship aspirants of the party especially those who recently defected to the party and some  Chieftains of the party  are calling for the sack of the present executives (delegates) and the conduct of fresh congress to elect officers of the party in the state before the August primaries.

They are canvassing for the conduct of fresh primaries so that all old and new members of the party can be fused  into the wards, local government and state executives of the party to allow for fairness and equity during the primaries.

Ironically, the new defectors who are eyeing the governorship position are said to be leading the campaign even though they openly dissociate themselves from the campaign.


Among those alleged to be leading the campaign for a fresh start are the former deputy governor of the state, Alhaji Ali Olanusi,  who defected to the APC from the PDP and a former commissioner, Niran Sule who is also an aspirant.

Another group "Helina Group" led by Femi Agagu, who served as Chief of Staff to the late Governor Olusegun Agagu, is also alleged to be canvassing the same idea, and they are believed to have in their group, an aspirant from the South.

Although four of the former PDP chieftains who are now governorship aspirants in the APC namely Olusola Oke, Victor Olabimtan, Derin Adesida and Ayo Akinyelure have issued a statement dissociating themselves from the call for fresh congress, findings by Vanguard revealed that one of them was the brain behind the campaign but was said to have backed out after seeing the futility of the campaign.

He was said to have "deceived" others into believing that he is comfortable with the present delegates ahead of the party primaries in August but was funding those insisting on a fresh congress to accommodate the members for fairness and equity during the primaries.

Sack of the executives

Vanguard also gathered from a reliable source that two of the frontline aspirants are said to be disposed to the sack of the executives because they see the state chairman as too independent minded and  may not be disposed to their ambition when the chips are down.

A statement jointly signed by four aspirants which many see as a smoke screen and laced with political intrigues "argued that the dissolution portends greater danger than any good to the party at the moment.

"We are aware of agitation in some quarters for the composition of fresh congress purportedly to create a level playing ground for both old and new APC members, especially the aspirants and their teeming supporters.

"Despite the fact that a newly constituted executive cum delegates would put us at advantage during the Governorship primaries, it is not in our character to pursue personal interest at the detriment of party interest.

"We should rejoice in our collective victory and not individual interest.

Sen. Boroffice
Sen. Boroffice

"As loyal party men, we believe in the unity and oneness of the party. Therefore, we will prefer the party make use of the present executives (delegates) for the forthcoming primary election.

Also, over 700 delegates that would vote during the coming party primaries and some governorship aspirants at a meeting hosted by a chieftain of the party, Bola Ilori in Ondo town kicked against fresh congress and zoning of the governorship position.

Ilori said all three senatorial districts spoke against fresh congress and zoning.

"The people said, they don't want zoning. They said zoning would create problem for the party. If we zone a particular district out, don't we need their votes at the general election.

Ultimatum to the aspirants

"They are afraid because during the last congress, people were killed in Akure, and Owo is yet to have local government excos until today, so if we have been unable to resolve the problems of Congresses fought over a year ago, how do we start another problem few months to the primaries.

Meanwhile, Vanguard gathered that some elders in Akokoland have given an ultimatum to the many aspirants from the area of the state to agree on a consensus candidate, or they will pick one for them from the lot.

The elders at a meeting held at the residence of one of the party's respected chieftains, Pa Felix Aiyegbusi warned that they would impose a candidate if the aspirants failed to come up with a consensus aspirant ahead of the primaries.

But the aspirants led by Senator Ajayi Boroffice,  Victor Olabimtan, Tunji Abayomi have kicked against it saying that Section 20 of the party's constitution empowered only the NEC of the party to provide the guideline for the conduct of the congresses at the appropriate time.

The aspirants in a joint statement said " We need to state affirmatively that we will not recognize or accept the decision taken at the Baba Felix Aiyegbusi's residence as binding on us because the meeting has the potential to cause serious and dangerous disunity in Akokoland.

"It is terribly subjective, considering the fact that many of the so-called elders at the meeting are already in the campaign team of at least one candidate. In fact, they go from one location to another with a particular candidate.

They submitted that the method through which the elders want to pick a candidate is alien, unconstitutional and it should be disregarded.

Consensus aspirant

A similar scenario is also playing out in Owo where a committee set up by the Owo General Assembly to work on the actualization of an indigene of the town becoming the governor by picking a consensus aspirant is also being vehemently resisted.

Although the national coordinator of the assembly, Chief Akinboro Aruwajoye  said they are making headway on the issue, one of the aspirants from the town has dissociated himself from the plan.

Meanwhile, speaking with Vanguardon the call for fresh congresses, the state Chairman of the party Isaacs Kekemeke waved off the agitation saying:

"All these are distractions. My concern now is how to conduct a free and fair primaries and win the November 26 governorship election," even as he ruled out the prospect of zoning the governorship.

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