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Democracy Day Celebration Speech as Written By Vincent Adeoba.

1. The greatest form of freedom is the freedom to pursue ones dreams and aspirations. Freedom to be source of hope to others and a symbol of love, peace, progress and unity. 

2. As we celebrate democracy day today which is one the greatest inventions of man as it allows us to choose our leaders and determine the trajectory of our life as a people. 

3. We must realize that we cannot be free as a nation when our country is still predominated by ignorance and illiteracy. When millions of our children and youths don't have access to quality education. 

4. We cannot be free as a nation when millions in our country are chained by manacle of poverty and diseases. 

5. We cannot be free as a nation until we wipe out corruption that has become a destructive political virus in our system. 

6. We cannot be free as a nation when our citizens are still murdered in cold blood by terrorists and Fulani Herdmen.

7. We cannot be free as a nation when our press is not free and our judiciary is not independent.

8. We cannot be free as a nation when the legislature is made up of men and women who seek their own selfish interest rather than the welfare of the common man that elected them into office.

9. We cannot be free as a nation when our political system is still subjected to godfatherism, ethnicity, and religious bigotry.

10. We cannot be free as a nation when individuals aspirations is valued above our common goals. 

11. We cannot be free as a nation when government that is meant to be a source of hope for a great future is still dwelling on the past the divides us rather than the future that unites us.

12. We cannot be free as a nation when our economy is still crippled by unemployment and inflation.

13. We cannot be free as a nation when our economic and political policies are still products of neocolonialism.

14. We cannot be free when our health sector cannot provide the common need of the citizens and provide an environment the support good health and longevity. 

15. We cannot be free until government of the people by the people and for the people is not just a definition of democracy to us but reflected in every of our decisions as a nation. 

16. We cannot be free until Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo and other ethnics can sit together on a table of brotherhood to discuss in one voice how to move our country forward.

17. When we achieve all these as a nation, then we can say we are free. When we can live a life intended for us by our maker. then we will be able to say in a loud voice that we are free. 

18. This freedom will not be given to us on platter of gold. Like every other great nations, we must be ready to die for it. 

19. We must be ready to use the last of our blood and sweat to achieve freedom for ourselves and our children. 

20. That freedom will be ours when we are ready as a people to pay the required price. Certainly we will truly be free one day but when and how soon it is going to be is a choice to make. We will be free, we shall be free and we must be free. Thank you all, God bless our great nation Nigeria.

Happy Democracy Day
Vincent Adeoba
President Sera Schools Initiative

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