Marriage Success Tips: 4 things couples should remember when stuck in a sexless marriage

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A sexless married life can cause panic to even the most conservative of couples and they tend to seek solution in the wrongest places

Here are 4 things couples should always remember when stuck in a sexless marriage:
1. Having sex and not having sex can mean different to sexually active people. Married couples should try to find out what sex means to each other and communicate their views.

2. A sense of humour is needed while addressing issues about sex in your marriage. Sharing a laugh can take away pressure, bring you closer and your relationship stronger.

3. Get away from the idea that perfect sex happens at a particular time or in certain positions. Most times the best sex is just spontaneous, when you are and your partner are just 'in the moment' without any aim to be achieved in mind.

4. Find what works for you and your spouse. Is it plain old sex or you both like to spice things up? Don't pay attention to everyone telling you want to do and what you shouldn't do. Their suggestions may not just be for you.

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