For Men: 5 ways to get her to have sex with you

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So you meet a girl, she knows you are interested, she us feeling you too, but how do you get her in bed? The thing is, if you wait too long, you might lose your chance and she will focus on another guy, but if you go too fast, you might look desperate and she will stay away from you. How do you seduce her without losing her? Read on for tips.

Patience: You need to be patient with a new woman. Do not come on too strong or get physical too soon. Give her a chance to feel safe with you. This is the best way to make her want you more.

Find common ground: A woman will be more likely to give you what you want if she feels she has something in common with you.  She will enjoy your company and soon she will want more.

Set the mood: When you do decide its time and she agrees to come over to your place, make sure you are prepared. Keep your home clean and set up some romantic music in the background. It might not seem like much to you but setting the right mood will make her feel relaxed. That is the first step to getting her there.

Be confident: Women are attracted to confidence. Show her who is boss but make sure you do not act arrogant.

Laughter: On the topic of getting her to relax, laughter is the best way to achieve this. A woman who genuinely laughs while with you is already feeling comfortable around you.

Start slow: When you feel she is ready, do not jump in. Put your arms around her and give her a chance to get used to the physical contact, then make sure you spend as much time as you can on foreplay, so her body and mind is ready.

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