Despite paying N170,000 to be elevated, Olubadan denied me – Oyediji

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Head of the Seriki line in Ibadan, Chief Adebayo Oyediji, has alleged that he paid the sum of N170,000 to the late Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade, to be promoted from the Osi Seriki to Seriki Olubadan but was denied the opportunity to be elevated.

Oyediji is laying claim to the throne of the Olubadan after the death of Oba Odulana on Tuesday despite the pronouncement of the Olubadan-in-Council that Balogun Olubadan, High Chief Saliu Adetunji is the next Olubadan.
Oyediji's claim over payment of the sum was however said to be untrue by the Personal Assistant to the late Olubadan, Chief Isiaka Akinpelu.
Oyediji had alleged that the last Otun Seriki, Chief Adisa Akinloye, was denied the opportunity to become Olubadan before he died in 2007, stressing that Seriki family was the third line in the Olubadan succession system. He also said that the said sum of N170,000 was paid in 2007 after Akinloye's death.
Speaking on behalf of the Olubadan-in-Council on the controversy, the Ashipa Balogun Olubadan of Ibadan land, High Chief Abimbola Ajibola, said the Seriki line was not recognised and therefore Oyediji had no right to become the next Olubadan.
Ajibola flayed Oyediji's claim that there was a Supreme Court ruling that qualified him to lay claim to the throne. He explained that the 1959 Ekerin Balogun of Ibadan Chieftaincy Declaration that Oyediji mentioned in his claim could not be triggered because the condition spelt out was not met by any circumstances.
He said, "It is undisputed that the next Olubadan is High Chief Saliu Adetunji; that is the only authentic Olubadan-in-waiting, any other one is a counterfeit."
Ajibola pointed out that no court ruling would set aside or superseded the Olubadan succession system and that the law, as spelt out, must always be respected. He also said that apart from the Olubadan-in-Council, no one could declare himself as the next Olubadan. He also said that Oyediji was an Osi Seriki and that his status did not qualify him to become Olubadan.
Speaking with journalists at the weekend, Oyediji said the Ashipa Balogun Olubadan was wrong about his chieftaincy status, claiming that he was actually Otun Seriki and that he applied for elevation before Oba Odulana died.
Asked if a receipt was issued for the payment, Oyediji said he was not issued any receipt and that the money was paid in two instalments of N150,000 and N20,000. He however said that he had a copy of the application letter, which he alleged that the Olubadan-in-Council ignored.
He said "I applied to be elevated to the post of Seriki Olubadan as the next chief to the late Chief Adisa Akinloye but the application was rejected after paying N170,000.
"It wasn't that I didn't make an attempt (to be elevated) but somehow, they turned me down. I ought to have been promoted but the Olubadan-in Council refused to promote me as the next Seriki (despite the payment)."
Reacting to the council's pronouncement that Seriki line had seized to exist and that apart from the Otun and Balogun lines, Seriki line had no right to produce Olubadan, Oyediji said going by the records that was available to him, Seriki should produce the next Olubadan and that the line, which he claimed to be the third in the Olubadan succession system, was suppressed by some powerful high chiefs to achieve selfish gain. He said in the past, Seriki title holders have risen to become Baale Ibadan (now Olubadan) or elevated to the Balogun line.
He said, "Aare Latosa rose from Seriki to Balogun before he became Baale, Balogun Ibikunle also rose from Seriki to Balogun in 1870, Habibu Soallu rose from Aare Ago Seriki to Maye Balogun, Mosanya also rose from Seriki to Osi Balogun, Baale Akintayo rose from Seriki to become Baale and Baale Shittu (Son of Aare Latosa) rose from Seriki to become Balogun and in 1914, he became the Baale."
He added that a 1989 judgment of an Oyo State High Court had favoured the Seriki line's qualification for elevation to the Ekerin Olubadan position whenever two consecutive positions were vacant either in the Balogun or Otun line.
In his reaction to Oyediji's claim that he paid for his elevation but was denied, the Olubadan's secretary, Chief Akinpelu, said the late monarch had never collected any money from any chief for the purpose of being elevated.
He said, "He should produce proof of his payment to the world. How can someone go directly to the Olubadan and pay for elevation? It is a lie, no money was paid to the Olubadan. To be elevated does not attract any fee. If there is vacancy, the system is so simple that the next person will be elevated immediately. The late Olubadan wanted the Seriki thing to be abolished, how would he now collect money from him?
"He claimed that he paid the money in 2007 but that cannot be true. The late Olubadan ascended the throne in August 2007 and by that time, Oyediji was only Ekerin Seriki. How can he now come out and say that he paid to be elevated? Could he have jumped to the top of Seriki line from that position?
"He should be able to tell us who he paid the money to. He did not come to the palace and if he had sent someone to pay the fee he is claiming, that person must have spent the money. I was personal assistant to the late Olubadan and I am sure that the man did not come to the palace to pay any money. Besides, Baba did not take money from chiefs for elevation."
Second Republic Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Chief Richard Akinjide said the office of Seriki no longer existed and and that the late Chief Akinloye, failed in his attempt to revive it.
"Seriki office had been abolished. It is no longer in existence. Nobody has been there for a long time so nobody can come out now and claim to be Seriki. The late Chief Akinloye wanted to revive it but it was not accepted. That office is dead and it will not be revived," he explained.

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